Podere Giardino Reggiano Lambrusco Rosso "Suoli Cataldi"

Availability: In stock (8)
Producer: Podere Giardino
Variety: 30% Lambrusco Marani, 30% Lambrusco Salamino, 30% Lambrusco Oliva, 10% Lambrusco Maestri 
Country: Italy
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Farming: Organic (certified)
Winemaking: Co-harvested and co-fermented. Alcoholic fermentation was in stainless steel with 6 days of maceration on the skins.  Malolactic did not occur.  Secondary fermentation, with the addition of must and yeasts, was in pressurized autoclave.  6g/l residual sugar, but dry-feeling.
Package: 750mL bottle
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